Mission StatEment:

Help adults take a safe, reflective and holistic account of their life to formulate and strategise a life plan to realise purpose and potential

Based on the Four Stages of Life, Adult Mentoring focuses on the final three:




Essential Wisdom for Adults can afford to be less structured and more conversational to draw out essential points.

Key themes

We have identified some key themes that come up regularly. We create a safe and comfortable environment with time to think about these aspects. Sometimes its acceptance, sometimes its an action plan sometimes its just voicing it that helps

  1. I don’t know where I’m going

  2. i don’t know who I am

  3. I need to change something: Deliberate Transitions

    1. Change of career

    2. Marriage: entire set of sessions on this

    3. Parenthood

    4. Retirement

  4. Something has changed:

    Imposed transitions

    1. Divorce

    2. Bereavement

    3. Redundancy

      [insert your transition here]

  5. Needing a Soundboard

  6. Business

Our mentoring experience shows that transitions are a key aspect of adult coaching.

Course delivery

  1. Modular Group Sessions

  2. Bespoke One to One Sessions